10 Tips to Prevent Cavities in Children

Going to the dentist a couple of times a year is a classic childhood memory for many people. In order to establish positive memories, you can help your child have a great experience by teaching them early on how to care for their teeth. Here are our top 10 tips for preventing cavities in kids:

  1. Start regular dental checkups from babyhood.

    At BrightWork Family Dentistry, we agree with the experts who recommend your child have their first dentist visit before they turn one. This not only helps your child become comfortable with regular checkups, but it also lets our team assess potential issues like baby bottle tooth decay, pacifier and finger-sucking habits, and of course teething. Cavity prevention should be a top priority from the first dental visit and beyond.

  2. Start healthy dental habits early.

    Even before their first tooth comes in, you can help your child get into good oral habits by cleaning their mouth after feedings. Once teeth start to appear, help them to gently brush with a soft toothbrush and a small amount of kid's toothpaste. Getting into the right dental habits early on in life goes a long way for cavity prevention.

  3. Fortify with fluoride.

    Make sure that the toothpaste you choose contains fluoride, a mineral that helps strengthen the teeth’s protective enamel coating. Your child can also receive a concentrated fluoride treatment for kids during their regular checkup – ask your dental professional.

  4. Brush teeth thoroughly twice a day.

    Brushing their teeth twice a day, every day, will be your child’s best defense against cavities! This habit will not only help keep teeth clear of decay-causing bacteria, it will increase the teeth’s exposure to enamel-strengthening fluoride.

  5. Use dental floss daily.

    If your child is old enough to have teeth, they’re old enough to use dental floss. Help younger children with regular flossing by gently running an easy-glide floss between their teeth. Consider kids dental floss options that can help your child adopt a healthy daily flossing habit. Older kids can easily floss on their own by using a disposable floss pick until they get the hang of regular floss. Flossing regularly is an important tactic to help prevent cavities in children, and something we highly recommend to achieve optimal dental health.

  6. Stay hydrated.

    Our bodies are made mostly of water, so hydration is the key to keeping a body running smoothly – including the mouth. Drinking water regularly is a fantastic way to help prevent cavities in children, while helping to keep the mouth clean and support saliva production. Frequent hydration also provides yet another opportunity for fluoride contact since most municipal tap water is fortified.

  7. Limit sugary drinks, candy, and snacks.

    Sugar is enemy #1 when it comes to your kids’ teeth. Parents are often focused on how to prevent cavities for their kids, and one essential strategy is moderating sugar intake. When kids consume sugar in the form of soft drinks, sports drinks, candy, sweet snacks, or even seemingly “safe” snacks like fish-shaped crackers, the sugar reacts with naturally occurring mouth bacteria to produce acid, which leads to decay. On occasions when you do let your child indulge in a sweet treat, encourage them to rinse their mouth with water – or, ideally, brush – immediately after.

  8. Limit carbonated beverages.

    Zero-sugar flavored seltzer has become a popular replacement for sugary beverages, but even these drinks should be treated with caution when it comes to protecting your kids’ teeth and preventing cavities. Carbonic acid (produced during the carbonization process that makes seltzer water bubbly) can impact tooth enamel, though on a much smaller scale than sugar. So, while an occasional fizzy water is fine, plain old tap water is still the best choice for promoting dental health.

  9. Rinse with antibacterial mouthwash.

    In addition to washing away food particles and strengthening enamel, a mouthwash fortified with antibacterial agents can control plaque buildup and bad breath by killing harmful bacteria in the mouth. Rinsing twice daily after brushing is a great habit to introduce early with your child, and a surefire cavity prevention strategy.

  10. Consider dental sealants.

    These sealants are thin, plastic coatings painted on the chewing surfaces of the teeth by a dental professional. While they’re no substitute for daily brushing and flossing, they do provide an important extra layer of defense to help prevent cavities from forming.

At BrightWork Family Dentistry, our caring dentists Dr. Crowley and Dr. Iachini are ready to partner with your family to keep your kids’ teeth strong and healthy. We can help answer all your cavity prevention questions. Request an appointment to start your child down the path to a bright dental future.



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